Ground Them for Life
You are GROUNDED FOR LIFE!!” The infamous phrase a parent utters in frustration is actually a great idea! A value based parenting method isn’t about grounding your child to their room to get their behavior under control. It is about grounding them in principles, coping skills, and morals that will serve them now and throughout adulthood. Unlike many traditional parenting models, which often focus simply on changed behavior rather than changing and growing the heart and values of the child, the Grounded for Life series will provide tools to building a healthy, consistent relationship between you and your child, allowing you to empower your child to develop their own value system to make healthy choices, even when you are not looking!
⦁ Understand what motivates your child’s behavior
⦁ Pull the plug on power struggles, whining and tantrums
⦁ Transform back talk into respect
⦁ Empower your child/teen to resist peer pressure
⦁ Build trust, communicate and motivate
⦁ Learn strategies for letting yourself off the stress hooks of parenting
⦁ Promote responsibility